Gather around a Fire with a purpose

Our purpose is who we are, what we are, and why we exist

We all love sitting around a fire, sharing stories, roasting marshmallows, and enjoying time with family and friends. Check Six exists to combine these events with the ability to help our nations heroes.

Like you, we have a story. A story grounded in love for our country, love for our family, and love for where we’re from. Every time you ask for a bundle of Check Six wood you're supporting veterans like us. In addition to our story you’re also buying the highest quality wood you’ve ever burned.

We sell firewood that has a story. Help us become the brand of firewood that is recognized as the triple bottom line, philanthropic brand of choice of those that build fires for fun, food, or to keep warm (or all of the above). Use #CheckSixFire in your social media posts, let’s do this together!

Beach bonfire